Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
959 lines
page 80,132
title SDL 3.0 - Sorted Directory List
sdl segment
sdlp proc far
assume cs:sdl,ds:sdl,es:sdl
; SDL [d:][path][filename[.ext]][/options]
; Options: General
; E erase screen
; P pause when screen full
; W 4 column format (2 if width 40)
; Sort options (sort on filename.ext is the default)
; N do not sort entries
; S sort by file size
; D sort by date and time
; X sort by file type (ext)
; Sub-directories
; T list sub-directory names
; F use with T to list file names by directory
; I use with TF to indent file lists (not supported on
; width 40 screens)
; A use with T to list all file names together
; Default: *.* sorted by name.ext, 2 cols wide (1 on width 40 screen), no
; screen erase or pause at end of page, using current directory.
; Notes:
; 1. Path specifications:
; a. paths must end with \.
; b. specifying a leading \ starts the path search at the root directory.
; No leading \ will start the path at the current directory.
; c. not specifying a path starts the operation at the current directory.
; 2. The space used by sub-directories is not accounted for.
; 3. Directory listings do not include the '.' or '..' entries.
; 4. The specified filename.ext may include ? and/or *.
; Output formats: Width 80 - 2 or 4 columns (option TFI - 1 or 2 columns)
; Width 40 - 1 or 2 columns
; Filename in listing may be preceeded by one of the following char.:
; r - read-only file
; h - hidden file
; s - system file
; \ - sub-directory name
; If a file has more than 1 attribute, only the last is shown.
; Written by W. C. Bodycomb
; Version 1.0 - original version, runs under DOS 1.0 and 1.1
; Version 2.0 - support for DOS 2.0, runs under DOS 1.0, 1.1, 2.0
; Version 3.0 - support for paths and sub-directories, runs under
; DOS 2.0.
org 100h ;set up for COM
subp proc near
; get current or specified drive
bgn: call clear ;clear ctrs
cld ;set direction
mov si,offset init ;init.
mov di,offset dxfcb ; the
mov cx,19 ; dummy
repz movsb ; FCB
mov ah,19h ;get
int 21h ; current
add al,65 ; disk
mov si,offset path ; and
mov [si],al ; save
mov di,80h ;get
mov ch,0 ; lth of
mov cl,[di] ; of param
jcxz vol1 ;br if no parms
inc di ;start of parms
mov al,' ' ;scan off
repe scasb ; blanks
je vol1 ;br if no parm
dec di ;adj
inc cx ; values
cmp cx,2 ;long enough
jb vol1 ;br no
cmp byte ptr [di]+1,':' ;is drive specified
jne vol1 ;br no
mov al,[di] ;save
and al,0dfh ; drive
mov [si],al ; letter
inc di ;incr
inc di ; adr
dec cx ;decr
dec cx ; count
; get volume label
vol1: push di ;save
push cx ; regs
mov dx,offset da ;set
mov ah,1ah ; dta
int 21h ; adr
mov al,[si] ;put drive
mov tia+9,al ; in header
sub al,64 ;set
mov dfcb,al ; drive
mov di,offset svvol ;save area
mov ah,11h ;set get first
mov dx,offset dxfcb ;look for
int 21h ; vol label
or al,al ;any vol label
jnz fpth ;br no
mov si,offset da+8 ;label adr
mov cx,11 ;save
repz movsb ; label
; save specified path
fpth: mov byte ptr [di],' ' ;mark end
pop cx ;restore
pop di ; regs
jcxz eopt ;br if no path/fnm
mov dx,cx ;save count
mov bp,di ; and adr
add di,cx ;start
dec di ; at
std ; end
mov al,'\' ;find end
repne scasb ; of path
cld ;set direction
jne fopt ;br-not found
inc cx ;adj count
mov si,bp ;copy start adr
sub dx,cx ;save non-path lth
mov di,offset path+2 ;move
repz movsb ; path
mov fspca,di ;save path end adr
mov bp,si ;set new start adr
; get options
fopt: mov di,bp ;get start adr
mov cx,dx ; and lth
jcxz eopt ;br-no options or filename
mov al,'/' ;find
repne scasb ; options
jne gfspc ;br-no options
dec di ;adj
inc cx ; values
mov si,di ;copy adr
push di ; and save
sub dx,cx ;save filespec size
opt: cmp byte ptr [si],'/' ;is it /
je opt3 ;keep looking
mov al,byte ptr [si] ;get char
and al,0dfh ;force upper case
mov di,offset swn ;set adr
mov bx,400h ; and flag
opt1: scasb ;option found
je opt2 ;br yes
shr bx,1 ;check next
jnz opt1 ; option
jz opt3 ;not valid option
opt2: or word ptr sw,bx ;set option
opt3: inc si ;check
loop opt ; all char
pop di ;restore reg
; get specified filespec
gfspc: mov byte ptr [di],' ' ;set delimiter
mov cx,dx ;get count
mov si,bp ; and adr
jcxz eopt ;br-no filespec
cmp byte ptr [si],' ' ;any filespec
je eopt ;br no
mov di,offset dfcb ;let DOS
mov ax,2900h ; parse
int 21h ; filespec
; initialize options
eopt: mov di,fspca ;move dir.
call mvfs ; filespec
test sw1,4 ;T option
jnz eopt1 ;br yes
and sw1,0fch ;clear A and F
eopt1: test sw1,1 ;A option
jz eopt2 ;br no
and sw1,0fdh ;clear F option
mov cx,19 ;set count
mov si,offset dirm ;change
mov di,offset h2+25 ; hdrs
repz movsb ; to dir#
eopt2: test sw,8 ;wide
jz eopt3 ;br no
mov coln,4 ;set cols to 4
mov si,offset h3 ;hdr adr
mov di,offset h2+15 ;change
mov cx,5 ; bytes to
repz movsb ; sector
eopt3: push ds ;save data segment
mov ax,40h ;point to
mov ds,ax ; data area
mov ax,ds:4ah ;get screen cols
pop ds ;restore data segment
cmp ax,80 ;80 col
je eopt4 ;br yes
or sw1,128 ;set 40 col
shr coln,1 ;cols
jnz fa ; /2
eopt4: test sw1,2 ;option F
jz fa ;br no
test sw,1 ;I option
jz fa ;br no
shr coln,1 ;cols/2
mov colp,40 ;set offset
; get FAT info
fa: mov dl,path ;get
sub dl,64 ; drive no
mov ah,36h ;get DOS 2
int 21h ; fat info
cmp ax,0ffffh ;br if
jne fa1 ; drive ok
int 20h ;give up
fa1: mov bpsc,cx ;save bytes/sec
mov ah,0 ;clear high byte
mov scpf,ax ;save sec/fat
xchg cx,dx ;find bytes per
mul dx ; alloc. unit
mul bx ;free bytes
mov free,ax ;save low
mov free+2,dx ; and high
; clear screen
clr: test sw,128 ;screen clear
jz sdlh ;br no
sub cx,cx ;col 0, row 0
mov dx,184fh ;last row, col
test sw1,128 ;80 cols
jz clr1 ;br yes
mov dx,1827h ;set 40 col
clr1: mov bh,7 ;color
mov ax,600h ;scroll
int 10h ; screen
sub dx,dx ;set
mov ah,2 ; cursor
mov bh,0 ; to
int 10h ; 0
; print SDL header
sdlh: mov dx,offset h1 ;print
call prt ; header
mov si,offset svvol ;label adr
sdlh1: lodsb ;get char
cmp al,' ' ;end of label
je sdlh2 ;br yes
mov dl,al ;print
call prtc ; char
jmp sdlh1 ;next char
sdlh2: mov ah,2ah ;get
int 21h ; date
mov si,offset mth ;field start
mov al,dh ;convert
call x2 ; month
mov al,dl ;convert
call x2 ; day
mov ax,cx ;adjust
sub ax,1900 ; year
call x2 ;convert year
mov ah,2ch ;get
int 21h ; time
mov si,offset ti ;field start
mov al,ch ;convert
call x2 ; hour
mov al,cl ;convert
call x2 ; minutes
mov dx,offset h1evl ;print
call prt ; hdr
test sw1,128 ;width 40
jz sdlh3 ;br no
call ckpg ;print cr
sdlh3: mov dx,offset h1a ;print
call prt ; hdr
mov si,free ;convert
mov di,free+2 ; free
call w0 ; bytes
mov dx,offset h1b ;print
call prt ; hdr
mov ax,free ;convert
mov dx,free+2 ; free
call v0 ; sectors
call v3 ; and print
mov dx,offset h1c ;print
call prt ; hdr
call ckpg ;print cr
call ckpg ;print cr
mov mtha+8,'$' ;set end of field
mov tia+5,'$' ;set end of field
test sw1,4 ;T option
jnz tinit ;br yes
; list one directory
call dir ;get directory
call sr ;process entries
jmp return ;all done
; initialize for sub-directories
tinit: mov di,fspca ;get fspec adr
mov si,offset path+2 ;path adr
cmp byte ptr [si],'\' ;start at root
je tinit1 ;br yes
mov dx,offset cdir ;print
call prt ; current
cmp si,di ;any path
je tinit3 ;br no
tinit1: mov dl,byte ptr [si] ;get path byte
cmp dl,61h ;force
jb tinit2 ; upper
sub dl,20h ; case
tinit2: call prtc ;print
inc si ; name
cmp si,di ;end of path
jb tinit1 ;br no
tinit3: test sw1,1 ;option A
jz tinit4 ;br no
push di ;save reg
xor si,si ;print
call v3 ; dir no
pop di ;restore reg
tinit4: call ckpg ;print cr
jmp tre7 ;get 1st dir
; list sub-directories
tre: test byte ptr [si]+15,16 ;sub-dir
jnz tre2 ;br yes
tre1: add si,26 ;next entry
cmp si,[di]+10 ;end of dir
jb tre ;br no
cmp word ptr [di]+6,0 ;any previous dir.
je tred ;br no
mov di,[di]+6 ;prev dir.
mov prvt,di ;save adr
mov si,[di]+8 ;curr. entry
sub col,2 ;decr col
jnz tre1 ;step to next
tre2: mov cx,[di]+4 ;space
tre3: call prtb ; to
loop tre3 ; col
mov [di]+8,si ;save curr entry
inc dirn ;incr dir no
inc si ;step to
inc si ; filename
mov cx,12 ;print
mov di,[di]+2 ; sub
tre4: lodsb ; dir
cmp al,' ' ;blank
je tre5 ;br yes
stosb ;move char
mov dl,al ;print
call prtc ; char
tre5: loop tre4 ;next char
test sw1,1 ;A option
jz tre6 ;br no
mov si,dirn ;print
push di ; out
call v3 ; dir
pop di ; no.
tre6: call ckpg ;print cr
mov byte ptr [di],'\' ;end
inc di ; path
mov fspca,di ;save adr
tre7: call mvfs ;move fspec
add col,2 ;incr col
call dir ;get directory
test sw1,2 ;F option
jz tre ;br no
push si ;save
push di ; regs
call sr ;process entries
pop di ;restore
pop si ; regs
jmp tre ;process table
tred: test sw1,1 ;A option
jz return ;br no
mov di,offset tb ;table start
call sr ;process entries
return: call ckpg1 ;allow for DOS cr
int 20h ;all done
; get directory entries and build table
dir: mov di,nx ;get
push di ; start
add di,26 ;save
mov nx,di ; end
pop di ;restore
push di ; start
inc di ;+
inc di ; 2
mov si,offset fspca ;set up
mov cx,3 ; fspec adr, col
repz movsw ; and prev table
pop di ;restore
push di ; start
mov byte ptr [di]+15,8 ;mark control
mov prvt,di ;save as prev
mov [di]+8,di ; and curr sub-dir
mov ah,4eh ;get 1st
dir1: mov cx,16h ;get
mov dx,offset path ; directory
int 21h ; entry
or al,al ;br if entry
jz dir2 ; found
mov ax,nx ;save
pop si ; tbl
mov [si]+10,ax ; end
mov di,si ;copy table adr
ret ;return
dir2: cmp byte ptr dan,'.' ;path
je dir6 ;br yes
mov bx,nx ;set next
lea di,[bx+2] ; entry adr
push di ;save reg
push di ; twice
mov si,offset blnk ;blanks
mov cx,13 ;blank$
repz movsb ; fname
pop di ;restore reg
mov si,offset dan ;returned fn adr
dir3: cmp byte ptr [si],0 ;end of name
je dir5 ;br yes
cmp byte ptr [si],'.' ;separator
jne dir4 ;br no
lea di,[bx+2] ;position
add di,8 ; file type
dir4: movsb ;move char
jmp dir3 ;repeat
dir5: pop di ;restore reg
add di,13 ;re-position
mov si,offset daa ;save
movsb ; attribute
movsw ;save time
movsw ; and date
movsw ;move file
movsw ; size
mov si,offset dirn ;move
movsw ; dir. no
inc word ptr ct ;incr file count
mov nx,di ;incr table adr
cmp di,sp ;more
jb dir6 ; room
mov dx,offset max ;print
call prt ; msg
int 20h ;give up
dir6: mov ah,4fh ;get next
jmp dir1 ; directory entry
; insertion sort
sr: cmp di,nx ;more entries
jb sr1 ;br yes
jmp dcl ;set up columns
sr1: test byte ptr [di]+15,8 ;control entry
jnz sr2 ;br yes
mov bp,di ;save reg
lea si,[di+2] ;compare
mov di,offset fspc ; dir
mov cx,8 ; entry
call cknm ;check
jcxz sr3 ; filename
sr2: jmp snx ;skip entry
sr3: inc si ;step over .
mov cx,3 ;check
call cknm ; ext
jcxz sr4 ;br ok
jmp snx ;skip entry
sr4: mov di,bp ;restore reg
mov si,offset t1 ;start of chain
sr5: mov bx,si ;get next
mov si,[bx] ; chain entry
or si,si ;br if end
jz sch ; of chain
test sw,4 ;no sorting
jnz sr5 ;br yes
mov ax,si ;save
mov dx,di ; adrs
mov bp,22 ;size offset
test sw,64 ;sort size
jnz sz ;br yes
mov bp,18 ;date offset
test sw,32 ;sort date
jnz sz ;br yes
test sw,16 ;sort type
jnz sx ;br yes
sn: mov bp,2 ;compare
mov cx,8 ; file
call ssn ; names
jb sr5 ;try again
ja sch ;chain in entry
test sw,16 ;type sort
jnz sr5 ;br yes
call ssx ;compare file types
jbe sr5 ;try again
jg sch ;chain in entry
sx: call ssx ;compare
jmp sz1 ; file type
sz: add si,bp ;compare
add di,bp ; the
mov cx,2 ; size
std ; or
repz cmpsw ; date
cld ;restore direction
mov di,dx ;restore
mov si,ax ; regs
sz1: jb sr5 ;try again
je sn ;check name
sch: mov [di],si ;chain in
mov [bx],di ; entry
snx: add di,26 ;check next
jmp sr ; entry
; sort file name or type sub-rout.
ssx: mov bp,11 ;type offset
mov cx,3 ; and lth
ssn: add si,bp ;sort
add di,bp ; file name
repz cmpsb ; or type
mov di,dx ;restore
mov si,ax ; regs
ret ;return
; set up columns
dcl: mov ax,ct ;# of files
cmp ax,0 ;any entries
je dcl4 ;br no
cmp coln,1 ;only 1 col
je hr ;br yes
cmp ax,2 ;0 or 1
jb hr ;br yes
xor dx,dx ;clear reg
div coln ;/# of cols
mov fcrm,dx ;save remainder
mov bp,1 ;set col ctr
mov si,offset t1 ;1st chain
dcl1: mov bx,si ;copy adr
call dcl2 ;get 1 col entries
dec si ;next col
dec si ; adr
mov [si],dx ;save start of next chain
inc bp ;incr col ctr
cmp bp,coln ;done
jb dcl1 ;br no
jge hr ;print header
dcl2: mov cx,ax ;copy count
cmp bp,fcrm ;need 1 more
ja dcl3 ;br no
inc cx ;add 1 more
dcl3: mov bx,[bx] ;count out
loop dcl3 ; entries for col
mov dx,[bx] ;start of next chain
mov [bx],cx ;end this chain
dcl4: ret ;return
; print file headers
hr: call fsp ;option F spacing
mov cx,coln ;# of cols
jmp hr2 ;skip blank
hr1: call prtb ;blank
hr2: mov dx,offset h2 ;hdr adr
call prt ;print hdr
loop hr1 ;do all cols
call ckpg ;print cr
; process table entries
pr: mov bp,coln ;# of cols
mov si,offset t1 ;1st col adr
cmp word ptr [si],0 ;end of entries
je trlr ;br yes
pr1: call fsp ;option F
jcxz pr3 ; spacing
pr2: call prtb ;blank
pr3: mov bx,[si] ;next in chain
or bx,bx ;end of chain
jz pr4 ;br yes
mov ax,[bx] ;save next
mov [si],ax ; in chain
push si ;save reg
call pf ;process entry
pop si ;restore reg
dec si ;next
dec si ; col
dec bp ;decr
jnz pr2 ;do next chain
pr4: call ckpg ;print cr
jmp pr ;repeat to end of 1st chain
; print no. of files
trlr: call fsp ;option F
mov si,ct ;convert file
call v3 ; count
mov dx,offset h1d ;print
call prt ; hdr
mov si,dused ;convert
mov di,dused+2 ; used
call w0 ; bytes
mov dx,offset h1b ;print
call prt ; hdr
mov si,sused ;convert
call v3 ; sectors
call clear ;clear ctrs
mov dx,offset h1c ;print
call prt ; hdr
jmp ckpg ;print cr
; print file entry
pf: mov cx,4 ;set count
mov dl,' ' ;blank
mov di,offset atr ;attr table
pf1: mov al,byte ptr [di] ;test
inc di ; for
test byte ptr [bx+15],al ;attr
jz pf2 ;br no
mov dl,byte ptr [di] ;get
pf2: inc di ; attr
loop pf1 ;try again
call prtc ;print attr
lea di,[bx+2] ;file name adr
mov cx,12 ;print
pfn: mov dl,byte ptr [di] ; file
call prtc ; name
inc di ; and
loop pfn ; ext
clc ;clear carry
mov ax,[bx+20] ;sum
add dused,ax ; up
mov dx,[bx+22] ; file
adc dused+2,dx ; sizes
call v0 ;get sectors
add sused,si ;add to sum
test sw,8 ;wide
jz pf5 ;br no
test sw1,1 ;option A
jz pf3 ;br no
mov si,[bx+24] ;print
call v3 ; dir#
jmp prtb ;blank
pf3: test byte ptr [bx+15],16 ;sub-dir
jz pf4 ;br no
mov dx,offset b8+2 ;print
jmp prt ; blanks
pf4: call v3 ;convert sectors
jmp prtb ;blank
pf5: test byte ptr [bx+15],16 ;sub-dir
jz pf6 ;br no
mov dx,offset b8 ;print
call prt ; blanks
jmp pf7 ;skip size
pf6: push bx ;save reg
mov si,[bx+20] ;convert
mov di,[bx+22] ; file
call w0 ; size
pop bx ;restore reg
pf7: call prt2b ;2 blank
mov ax,[bx+18] ;convert
call x0 ; date
call prtb ;blank
test sw1,1 ;option A
jz pf8 ;br no
mov si,[bx+24] ;print
call v3 ; dir#
jmp prt2b ;2 blanks
pf8: mov ax,[bx+16] ;convert
call y0 ; time
jmp prt2b ;2 blank
; convert bytes to sectors
v0: div bpsc ;bytes/sector
or dx,dx ;any remainder
jz v1 ;br no
inc ax ;add 1 sector
v1: xor dx,dx ;clear reg
div scpf ;/ by sec/fat
or dx,dx ;any remainder
jz v2 ;br no
inc ax ;add 1 fat
v2: mul scpf ;find no. of sectors
mov si,ax ;copy value
ret ;return
v3: xor di,di ;clear reg
call sum ;convert to BCD
mov cx,1410h ;left zero supp. for 4 digits
mov dl,al ;convert
call w3 ; one digit
mov ax,bx ;convert
jmp w1 ; 4 digits
; convert file size
w0: call sum ;convert to BCD
mov cx,1710h ;left zero supp. for 7 digits
call w1 ;convert 4
mov ax,bx ;last 4
w1: push ax ;save reg
mov dl,ah ;convert
call w2 ; left 2
pop dx ;convert right 2
w2: mov dh,dl ;save right digit
shr dl,1 ;shift
shr dl,1 ; over
shr dl,1 ; left
shr dl,1 ; digit
call w3 ;print digit
mov dl,dh ;convert right digit
w3: and dl,0fh ;isolate digit
jz w4 ;br if 0
mov cl,0 ;kill zero suppress
w4: dec ch ;zero
and cl,ch ; suppress
or dl,'0' ;convert to
sub dl,cl ; digit
jnz prtc ; or blank
prt2b: call prtb ;print 2 blanks
prtb: mov dl,' ' ;print blank
prtc: mov ah,2 ;print
int 21h ; char
ret ;return
; convert to 8 BCD digits
sum: xor ax,ax ;clear
mov bx,ax ; regs
mov cx,32 ;set dble word shift
sum1: shl si,1 ;shift
rcl di,1 ; dble word
xchg bx,ax ;double
call sum2 ; all
xchg bx,ax ; and add
call sum2 ; in
loop sum1 ; bit
ret ;return
sum2: adc al,al ;double
daa ; each
xchg al,ah ; digit
adc al,al ; in
daa ; word
xchg al,ah ; accumulator
ret ;return
; convert time
y0: mov dx,offset b8+3 ;blanks
or ax,ax ;any time
jz prt ;br no
mov si,offset tia ;field start
push ax ;save time
and ax,0f800h ;isolate
mov cl,11 ; hours
call x1 ;convert hours
pop ax ;restore time
and ax,7e0h ;isolate
mov cl,5 ; minutes
call x1 ;convert minutes
mov dx,offset tia ;print
jmp prt ; time
; convert date
x0: mov dx,offset b8 ;blanks
or ax,ax ;is date 0
jz prt ;br yes
mov si,offset mth ;field start
push ax ;save date
and ax,1e0h ;isolate
mov cl,5 ; month
call x1 ;convert
pop ax ;get and
push ax ; save date
and ax,1fh ;convert
call x2 ; day
pop ax ;restore date
and ax,0fe00h ;isolate and
mov cl,9 ; position
shr ax,cl ; year
add ax,80 ;add 80
call x2 ;convert year
mov dx,offset mth ;print
jmp prt ; date
x1: shr ax,cl ;position
x2: aam ;convert
or ax,'00' ; 2 digits
xchg al,ah ;add to
mov [si],ax ; field
add si,3 ;next field
ret ;return
; check for end of page
ckpg: call prtcr ;print cr
ckpg1: test sw,2 ;pause option
jz fsp2 ;br no
dec lct ;decr line count
jnz fsp2 ;br if not end of page
mov lct,24 ;reset line count
mov dx,offset wait ;print
call prt ; pause
mov al,8 ;wait
mov ah,0ch ; for
int 21h ; key
prtcr: mov dx,offset cr ;print cr
prt: mov ah,9 ;print
int 21h ; routine
ret ;return
; space for option F
fsp: mov cx,colp ;offset
jcxz fsp2 ; cols
fsp1: call prtb ; for
loop fsp1 ; option
fsp2: ret ; F
; move directory file spec
mvfs: push cx ;save
push si ; regs
mov cx,4 ;move
mov si,offset dfspc ; file
repz movsb ; spec
pop si ;restore
pop cx ; regs
ret ;return
; match directory entry against specified filespec
cknm: cmp byte ptr [di],'?' ;any char
je cknm1 ;br yes
cmpsb ;char match
je cknm2 ;br yes
dec word ptr ct ;decr count
mov di,bp ;restore reg
ret ;return
cknm1: cmpsb ;step pointers
cknm2: loop cknm ;check next char
ret ;return
; clear counters
clear: mov cx,8 ;clear
mov di,offset ct ; all
xor ax,ax ; the
repz stosw ; counters
ret ;return
; work area
nx dw tb ;adr of table
coln dw 2 ;# of cols
lct dw 24 ;line count
sw db 0 ;options
; 128-erase screen
; 64-sort by size
; 32-sort by date
; 16-sort by file ext
; 8-4 col. format
; 4-no sort
; 2-pause at page end
; 1-indent
sw1 db 0 ;options
; 128-width 40 screen
; 64-not used
; 32-not used
; 16-not used
; 8-not used
; 4-option T
; 2-option F
; 1-option A
swn db 'TFAESDXWNPI' ;option letters
blnk db ' ' ;blanks
b8 db ' $'
wait db 'more...$'
max db 'Max Stor$'
h1 db 'SDL-3.0 $'
h1evl db ' '
mth label word
mtha db '00/00/00 '
ti label word
tia db '00:00 Dr @$'
h1a db ' Free Space: $'
h1b db ' Bytes $'
h1c db ' Sec.$'
cr db 13,10,'$'
h1d db ' Files, $'
h2 db ' Filename.Ext Bytes Last Update $'
h3 db 'Sec.$'
cdir db '<curr>$'
dirm db 'Date Dir# $Dir#'
atr db 1,'r',2,'h',4,'s',16,'\'
init db 0ffh,5 dup(0),8 ;dummy extended fcb
db ' ' ;dummy fcb
db 11 dup('?') ;default filespec
dfspc db '*.*',0 ;read dir. filespec
fspca dw path+2 ;fspec adr in path
col dw 1 ;col offset
prvt dw 0 ;prev tbl adr
dirn dw 0 ;dir no.
colp dw 0 ;opt F col spacing
path db ' :\*.*',0 ;drive and root/filespec
; use equates to decrease the size of the COM module
xpath equ $ ;64-path
da equ $+64 ;21-DTA, DOS use
daa equ da+21 ;1-file attributes
das equ daa+1 ;8-file time, date, and size
dan equ das+8 ;13-file name
free equ dan+13 ;4-free space
fcrm equ free+4 ;2-rem.-files/cols
bpsc equ fcrm+2 ;2-bytes/sec
scpf equ bpsc+2 ;2-sectors/fat
ct equ scpf+2 ;2-file count
dused equ ct+2 ;4-bytes used by files in dir.
sused equ dused+4 ;2-sec used by files in dir.
t4 equ sused+2 ;6-4th, 3rd, 2nd chain
t1 equ t4+6 ;2-1st chain
svvol equ t1+2 ;12-label save area
dxfcb equ svvol+12 ;7-dummy extended fcb
dfcb equ dxfcb+7 ;1-dummy fcb
fspc equ dfcb+1 ;36-default filespec
tb equ fspc+36 ;start of table
; control: 2-not used normal: 2-chain adr
;offset +2 2-fspec adr 12-filename.ext
; 4 2-column offset
; 6 2-prev. tbl adr
; 8 2-curr sub-dir adr
; 10 2-table end adr
; 12 2-not used
; 14 1-not used 1-end of filename ($)
; 15 1-attribute/switch 1-attribute/switch
; 8-control entry 8-control entry
; 16 2-not used 2-time
; 18 2-not used 2-date
; 20 4-not used 4-file size
; 24 2-not used 2-dir # (TA option)
subp endp
sdlp endp
sdl ends
end bgn